
"...Brown is massively funky, and uncorks truckloads of energy..." - Michael Molenda, Editor, Guitar Player Magazine

Cool email - review of both "Revolution Rhapsody" & "Live & Blue"

Posted by Trudi Brown on May 28, 2012. 0 Comments

 Thanks to Wes Mallory for this cool email/review of my live performance and two of my CDs  :-)


Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 2:17 PM
Subject: greetings & response to Live & Blue and Revolution Rhapsody CD's

Dear Gary,

I first caught you live in Carlisle with your trio the last weekend in April.  I really dug your live performance!   In the trio format there was lots of improvisation and it seemed free and open with opportunities for solos and a lot of collaborative interaction.  Very high energy and very cool!!  Your blues voice is startling good, unexpected these days, and your guitar virtuosity is clear.  

That evening I purchased "Revolution Rhapsody" and listened to it carefully.  I particularly like "Nothing Up Your Sleeve".  "40 Acres and a Mule" was clipped short leaving me wanting more as I had heard you do a version of that live that was a knockout.

I then sent for "Live and Blue".  I like that CD very much.  With live music there seems to be a communicated level of energy that is not found in studio work and remixes.  I am reminded that Jerry Garcia once said 'studio work is like building a ship in a bottle, while playing live is like riding a turbulent sea in a row boat.'  

Is blues with a jazz tinge enough today, or does one have to get into the funk and hiphop areas?  I always wished I could resurrect Miles and Hendrix, and witness a collaboration.  I can see you sitting in on that gig.  If you're ever around Cincinnati, Lexington or Louisville, give me a call.  Have you ever heard of Ground Zero Blues Club in Clarksdale, Mississippi?  You might look into it as a venue.  Sticking to blues, I think you'd knock 'em out!

Keep in touch.


Hi Wes,

Thanks for the note, the kind words and critique.  I appreciate you taking the time to let me know your thoughts.  :-)
Would you mind if I post your email on my blog?  I think some of my friends would like to hear your honesty and cool opinion...

Thanks again, your friend in music,

Gary Brown


Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 9:35 PM


You may certainly use any comments I make.  I shared your live CD with a guitar-playing buddy of mine and he was truly knocked out by some of your riffs!  We both started to discuss our convictions that listening to the blues shouldn't be just a trip down memory lane and a preservation of the past, but should be a continuing art form with a freshness that we both recognize in your work.  
Keep slicin' and dicin'!  I am anxiously waiting for your next blues improvs.  

Keep in touch,


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