
"...Brown is massively funky, and uncorks truckloads of energy..." - Michael Molenda, Editor, Guitar Player Magazine

I.S.O.B.A.M - Barry Brady

Posted by Trudi Brown on March 08, 2020. 0 Comments

Thanks goes out to Barry Brady for writing/sharing his impressions and experiences with Gary and Bushmaster on his blog ISOBAM ... (Link below)

Barry Brady
February 8

Gary Brown
Maybe the most outspoken Blues musician in our area, his best quality. You never have to wonder he'll just say it. I heard he came from Palmer Park where we lived for 16 years. I grew up in Southeast I don't know why or how but I can really relate to Gary. I love building bridges with musicians. After a while of watching Gary I decided to meet him. Gary is the one knife you never need to resharpen whether it comes to his music or his commentary. He writes and performs his own music. One of my favorite fun things to do is riding the Harley and I found out Gary was performing at a Harley dealership in Woodbridge Virginia. Blues and motorcycles combined with barbecue, it doesn't get better than that. I jumped on the motorcycle and headed to Woodbridge on a beautiful summer day. The band sounded great I walked around looked at motorcycles and had some barbecue while they played. I eventually introduced myself and he greeted me with a big smile. When it came time for him to go back on his Bass player wasn't on the stage I was standing there so Iasked Gary if I could play he said "yes". We started and he smiled I didn't know why but I was in the wrong key, primarily cause I was so excited to be up there quickly corrected that and off we went. The Bass player came running to the stage and I handed him his ax and sat walked to the side and started to listen. A couple of songs later Gary who plays wireless was walking through the crowd and he hands me the guitar. I start to play and wow, what fun. I handed it back, what great afternoon with this guitar hero. He really made me feel great. When I see his post and he goes in hard I am cheering him on. Great song writer guitar player and never afraid to speak his mind. Works for me

click here to read it on his site:  https://www.facebook.com/barry.brady.33/posts/2890220034375800?__xts__[0]=68.ARAho4q6h8I8Gr6ZtjLWZzbu9q68SccnhQXVu9tMRBf9cSOvswTXg6ziH0mgr6q5zwknT5eIFu7I4Ie3durFH-XJ2192__5yfaeHIJtdMJ15Wyq_jfx6LRruGWc0-hIvWom0gIEofMSWWYa8z3Q7gkqp1u5K34TPt8dhTGzgN5ZZNvHODC39v4FQkmWeThagOdkgQlYI02FkCJAZvLO-me1xe2g57GkKoKQlMt7xsRc0OXYT0hYVSM8z6tA0pDNxyK1yYJ8bE2JVRlhlNVXi8RkRNYGZPwoohNuMEqVYXK_22_gN7BnJ1IW4lH6oKaHjE45uaPp20gjmOCk_&__tn__=H-R


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