Video footage from Bushmaster's appearance at Art All Night Deanwood 9/1419
Posted by Trudi Brown on September 18, 2019. 0 Comments…
Bushmaster featuring Gary Brown were happy to join the line up of talent at this year's Art All Night Deanwood festival. many fun things to see and hear... click here for more info:
Gary and his band performed from 8:15pm till 9:15pm on the PEANUT GROVE stage located at 5000 Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave NE, Washington, DC 20019.
Thanks go out to the organizers and staff of the event, the other musicians we shared the stage with, and all the folks who came out to support LIVE MUSIC... we appreciate you!
Here is the footage from Bushmaster's part of the festivities to share with you. Captured on the band's Zoom Q4N video camera in full HD, this playlist is ready for you to enjoy on your computer, HD device, or cast to your HD TV... Looking forward to hearing your comments/thoughts... we love feedback ...
...more about the band and their upcoming CD at
#livemusic #dcfestival #outdoorevent #artallnightdeanwood #bushmasterfeaturinggarybrown #bluesguitar #funkycoolbluesrockoriginalmusic #dmvmusic #entertainment #livemusicevent #bluesrockmusic #originalmusic
#FullCustomAudio #MarshallJMP #GandLGuitars #MJTCustomGuitarFinishes #FulltoneClydeWah #DryBellVibeMachine #VoodooLabsAnalogChorus #VenuramJanRay #SviSoundOverzoid #DeepTripBOG #FulltoneUltimateOctave #StrymonElCapistan
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