
"...Brown is massively funky, and uncorks truckloads of energy..." - Michael Molenda, Editor, Guitar Player Magazine

Keys and Chords Magazine - Philip Verhaege gives our CD 4 stars

Posted by Trudi Brown on February 21, 2020. 0 Comments

Thanks go out to Philip Verhaege for his review of our new CD on "Keys and Chords" ... WOW 4 STARS ...we appreciate you!!!


Translated (using Google translate): "Gary Brown (guitar, vocals), Justin Kimball (bass), Justin Pinkney (drums, percussion), Tim McDonald (keyboards), Daniel Weston Cohen (slide guitar) and vocalists Tracy Nelson and
Vickie Carrico together form the Bushmaster band. The funky opening song "Profile" recently won an HMMA (Hollywood Music In Media Award). But that could just as well have been reserved for the exciting 'Ajax And Hot Wax' or the blues rocker 'A Song For Freddie Gray'. The sexy guitar riffs and the pounding drum parts also color the tracks 'The Blues' and the slow 'Nowhere To Stand', with its handsome Hammond B3 organ parts. With the funky 'Mushroom', 'Miss Sexyfine' and 'Pressure Cooker' it is damn hard to sit still. 'Forty Acres And A Mule' is perhaps the most bluesy song. We find some soul in 'Army Of Two', just like the blues rock arrangements from 'The Elevator'. The song "Jekyll And Hyde" is an emotional blues ballad with some nicely built-in guitar solos. And they diverge with the country sensitive 'Thing Back Home'." Philip Verhaege

Original (Dutch): "Gary Brown (guitar, vocals), Justin Kimball (bas), Justin Pinkney (drums, percussie), Tim McDonald (keyboards), Daniel Weston Cohen (slide gitaar) en vocalisten Tracy Nelson en
Vickie Carrico vormen samen de band Bushmaster. De funky openingssong ‘Profile’ won onlangs een HMMA (Hollywood Music In Media Award). Maar dat kon net evengoed zijn weggelegd voor het opwindende ‘Ajax And Hot Wax’ of de blues rocker ‘A Song For Freddie Gray’. De sexy gitaarriffs en de beukende drumpartijen kleuren ook de tracks ‘The Blues’ en de slow ‘Nowhere To Stand’, met zijn knappe Hammond B3 orgelpartijen. Met het funky ‘Mushroom’, ‘Miss Sexyfine’ en ‘Pressure Cooker’ is het verdomd moeilijk stilzitten. ‘Forty Acres And A Mule’ is misschien wel het meest bluesy nummer. Enige soul vinden we terug in ‘Army Of Two’, net zoals de blues rock arrangementen uit ‘The Elevator’. De song ‘Jekyll And Hyde’ is een emotionele blues ballade met enig mooi ingebouwde gitaarsolo’s. En die divergeren met het country gevoelige ‘Thing Back Home’. Elk nummer op het album heeft een bepaalde flow, er is continuïteit, een thema en heel wat muzikale diversiteit." Philip Verhaege



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